On this page:
Unlayer is a beautiful wysiwyg editor, that requires no knowledge of HTML. It also offers image uploads.
Configuration via the UI
When you’ve installed Mailcoach as a standalone app, you can choose this editor via the UI on the settings screen.
Manual installation
When you’ve installed Mailcoach in an existing Laravel app, you must manually install this editor.
You can install the add-on package via Composer:
composer require spatie/laravel-mailcoach-unlayer:^2.0
Publish and run the migration
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MailcoachUnlayer\MailcoachUnlayerServiceProvider" --tag="mailcoach-unlayer-migrations"
php artisan migrate
Add the route macro
You must register the routes needed to handle uploads. We recommend that you don’t put this in your routes file, but in the map method of your RouteServiceProvider
Configuring Mailcoach
Set the mailcoach.editor
config value to \Spatie\MailcoachUnlayer\UnlayerEditor::class
Configuring image uploads
The Mailcoach Unlayer editor supports image uploads.
To configure the disk_name
and maximum images size, add the following configuration to your mailcoach.php
config file.
'unlayer' => [
'disk_name' => env('MAILCOACH_UPLOAD_DISK', 'public'),
'max_width' => 1500,
'max_height' => 1500,
The package does not automatically delete uploads. If you upload files and replace them, the original files will still be stored on disk.
To remove unwanted upload, delete the relevant Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaCollections\Models\Media
models via code.
This way the files will also be deleted from the filesytem.
Customizing Unlayer
Our package installs the free version of Unlayer. Should you want to customize the looks or need extra behaviour, take a look at the pricing plans of Unlayer.
Switching to and from Unlayer
Unlayer editor stores content in a structured way. When switching from or to Unlayer, content in existing templates and draft campaigns will get lost.