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Segmenting lists

On this page:

If you wish to send an automation to only a part of an email list you can use a segment when creating your automation. A segment is a class that is responsible for selecting subscribers on an email list. It should always extend Spatie\Mailcoach\Domain\Audience\Support\Segments\Segment

A first example

Here’s a silly segment that will only select subscribers whose email address begin with an ‘a’

class OnlyEmailAddressesStartingWithA extends Segment
    public function shouldSend(Subscriber $subscriber): bool
        return Str::startsWith($subscriber->email, 'a');

When create an automation this is how the segment can be used:


Using an instantiated Segment object

Here’s the same segment that will only select subscribers whose email address begin with a configurable character ‘b’

class OnlyEmailAddressesStartingWith extends Segment
    public string $character;

    public function __construct(string $character) {
        $this->character = $character;

    public function shouldSend(Subscriber $subscriber): bool
        return Str::startsWith($subscriber->email, $this->character);

When sending a campaign this is how the segment can be used:

    ->segment(new OnlyEmailAddressesStartingWith('b'));

The object will be serialized when saved to the automation, and unserialized when used for segmenting.

Using a query

If you have a very large list, it might be better to use a query to select the subscribers of your segment. This can be done with the subscribersQuery method on a segment.

Here’s an example:

class OnlyEmailAddressesStartingWithA extends Segment
    public function subscribersQuery(Builder $subscribersQuery): void
        $subscribersQuery->where('email','like', 'a%');

No matter what you do in subscribersQuery, the package will never mail people that haven’t subscribed to the email list you’re sending the automation to.

Segment description

Spatie\Mailcoach\Domain\Audience\Support\Segments\Segment allows us to give our custom segment a unique name. This is required by the interface and can be done very easily:

public function description(): string
    return 'My cool segment';

Accessing the Automation model

If you need to get any automation details somewhere in your segment logic, you can use $this->segmentable to access the model object of the automation that is being sent.

Creating conditions