
On this blog, we’ll provide more details about upcoming features, interesting ideas we have, and share insights of our current setup.

November 29th, 2022

Using the shadow DOM as a better iframe

Using the shadow DOM, we can ensure that the sent newsletter we display in the archive is not affected by the layout of our website.

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November 11th, 2022

Mailcoach now offers beautiful newsletter websites

This feature will help leading your audience to your older content.

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November 8th, 2022

Introducing our SDKs for PHP and Laravel

Both self-hosted Mailcoach and Mailcoach offer a powerful API to integrate Mailcoach's functionalities in your app. To hit the ground running, we now offer easy to use SDKs.

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October 25th, 2022

How to create drip campaigns and email automation in Mailcoach

A major feature of Mailcoach is the ability to automate emails. Here's how you can use this feature and how we use it to promote our other Spatie products.

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October 12th, 2022

Using the Mailcoach Markdown editor in Filament

Our newest package makes the Mailcoach Markdown editor easily installable in Filament.

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October 5th, 2022

Automatically setup your favorite email provider in Mailcoach

In Mailcoach and the upcoming v6 of the self-hosted version of Mailcoach, we've made it much simpler to connect an email-sending service to Mailcoach.

In this blog post, we'd like to explain why and how we did this.

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October 4th, 2022

Using jobs instead of commands in the schedule of a Laravel app

In a standard Laravel application, you can schedule Artisan commands in your console kernel. While that works for most projects, we took a different route in Mailcoach. Instead of scheduling commands, we're scheduling jobs.

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September 28th, 2022

How we scale our servers

Let's take a look at how we handle the server load that goes with sending a lot of emails.

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September 28th, 2022

Writing a newsletter in Markdown on Mailcoach

Using our Markdown editor, you can easily add links and other Markdown to any content. As a bonus, our Markdown editor also provides automatic code highlighting for hundreds of programming languages.

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