Explore developer insights and behind-the-scenes looks at Mailcoach. Perfect for anyone curious about the tech behind it or eager to dive into the code.
Read on to find out how we keep search queries fast when we manage email lists with up to millions of subscribers.
In this post we’ll uncover some of the techniques used to create our automation builder without any dependencies on large JavaScript libraries using only CSS Flexbox for the layout.
A short overview how we use HelpSpace to handle customer support!
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With Mailcoach, you can create a customized archive website for your campaigns. To blend your website with the style of your newsletters, we support setting a primary color and theme. With CSS...
Using the shadow DOM, we can ensure that the sent newsletter we display in the archive is not affected by the layout of our website.
Our newest package makes the Mailcoach Markdown editor easily installable in Filament.
In a standard Laravel application, you can schedule Artisan commands in your console kernel. While that works for most projects, we took a different route in Mailcoach. Instead of scheduling...
Let's take a look at how we handle the server load that goes with sending a lot of emails.