
On this blog, we’ll provide more details about upcoming features, interesting ideas we have, and share insights of our current setup.

October 27th, 2023

Mailcoach gains split testing, Livewire 3 support, suppression list, and much more

Mailcoach just got a lot better!

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October 17th, 2023

Building a newsletter subscription form with SvelteKit form actions

We’ll learn how to create a custom newsletter component for your SvelteKit project, how to use environment variables, and how to use form actions to progressively enhance our newsletter component.

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October 5th, 2023

Building a Subscription Form with Laravel Volt & Mailcoach

Laravel Volt is one of Laravel's latest tools to build user interfaces. We love playing around with new stuff, lets find our how we can use Volt to power our subscription forms!

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September 14th, 2023

Introducing MJML Support in v7

If you’ve ever tried to build an HTML email from scratch, you know that it’s not easy. Email clients don’t support modern HTML and CSS niceties and have a lot of quirks to be mindful of. Conveniences like CSS Grid or even Flexbox are unsupported, leaving us to rely on <table> tags. Achieving a polished look across various devices and browsers can be quite a challenge.

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August 29th, 2023

Introducing the Mailcoach affiliate program

Earn money by referring people to Mailcoach.

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August 15th, 2023

Protecting against spam using Cloudflare Turnstile

With Mailcoach, protecting your email list & subscription forms against spam is crucial to protect your sending reputation. Mailcoach now makes this easy by integrating with Cloudflare Turnstile, the privacy friendly alternative to Google's ReCaptcha. In this blogpost we'll write a guide on how to set up Cloudflare Turnstile with your self-hosted Mailcoach instance. Mailcoach already has this enabled for all teams & users.

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July 31st, 2023

You can now log in or register using your GitHub or Google account

We've just added the ability to use GitHub and Google oauth to log in or register to Mailcoach.

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July 19th, 2023

How to display a subscription confirmation message with CSS

CSS has a lesser-known :target selector to style an element that matches the element linked in the page hash. It's a great way to display a message without creating a separate confirmation page or relying on JavaScript.

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July 11th, 2023

Get notified when your Mailcoach webhooks fail

Failing webhooks are now handled more gracefully.

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June 27th, 2023

How we use CSS custom properties to customize your newsletter archive

With Mailcoach, you can create a customized archive website for your campaigns. To blend your website with the style of your newsletters, we support setting a primary color and theme. With CSS custom properties, we're able to modify colors, typography, and more on the fly.

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