
You can now add custom attributes to subscribers

We’ve introduced a new feature that allows you to add your own custom attributes to subscribers. To get started, head over to the name “Attributes” screen on a subscriber.

Here’s how you would add a extra attribute to subscriber.

On that screen you can define any extra attribute you like.

When creating a new campaign, you can use {{ subscriber.<key> }} to get include the value of your extra property.

Here’s an example.

As you can see in the example above you can tack on | default("a default value") to display a default value in case your subscriber doesn’t have a specific attribute.

Support for attributes is available in both Mailcoach, and the self-hosted version of Mailcoach.

Mailcoach is the best service for sending out email campaigns. We also offer email automation that allows you to quickly build a drip campaign. You can manage your content and templates via powerful HTML and Markdown editors. Start your free trial now.

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